RAW Honey in Jar


SKU: Honey-Jar Category:


Pure RAW Honey

Raw Honey vs. Processed Honey

Raw honey is the most original sweet liquid that honeybees produce from the concentrated nectar of flowers. Collected straight from the honey extractor; it is totally unheated, unpasteurized, unprocessed honey. This is perhaps one of the most important characteristics and health benefits of the final product, as it preserves all the natural vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients and other nutritional elements.

Honey you find in the grocery store have no traces of pollen and lack beneficial vitamins and enzymes among a host of other natural constituents which are removed due to pasteurization and processing. Most golden honey you see at your local grocery is dead and far from the health promoting powerhouse of its raw unpasteurized counterpart. Processed honey is not honey at all and if you desire any kind of health benefits, you must stick to the real stuff.

Additional information

Weight 3.0 lbs

Alfalfa Honey, Clover Honey, Blackberry Honey, Orange Blossom Honey, Wildflower Honey


1lb, 3lb


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