Choose Your Honey Flavor

Alfalfa Honey:
The purple blossoms of alfalfa plants result in honey with a light color, mild aroma and gentle flavor. Alfalfa honey can be slightly less sweet than clover honey. Many people believe that it helps them to manage symptoms of PMS, digestive issues and kidney problems.

Clover Honey:
Clover honey ranges in color from nearly white to rich amber. The flavor is generally mild and sweet, with a light, buttery aroma and a note of cinnamon spice. Clover is the most common flower for honey production in the United States. It possesses protein in limited quantity, potassium, iron and vitamin B.It also contains varying levels of antioxidants, plant compounds with disease-fighting properties.

Blackberry Honey:
Blackberry honey is a luscious, delicate honey with a surprising and amazing fruity finish. Beekeepers say all the good benefits of the fruit are to be found in the nectar, too, thus in the honey. Some of the nutritional values and health benefits include antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber.When honey comes from the beehive, it contains an estimated 600 components including small amounts of a wide range of vitamins, enzymes and other nutrients essential to your health.

Orange Blossom Honey:
Orange Blossom Honey is a light, golden aromatic honey with a hint of its citrus origins. This honey and is only produced by bees during the spring, when orange trees blossom. This type of honey possesses antioxidants with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, anti-cancer and immune supporting effects in the body. The antioxidants in orange blossom honey may help to protect against free radical damage and reduce your risk of chronic illnesses.

Wildflower Honey:
Wildflower honey, also known as polyfloral honey, is derived from the nectar of numerous species of flowers or blossoms. The taste, aroma and flavor will vary from season to season, depending on which flowers are dominant at the time the nectar is collected. It is believed that this type of honey acts as a natural cough suppressant that may offer more relief to those suffering from an upper respiratory infection and cough than for individuals taking an over-the-counter medication. Some naturalists feel that honey made from the nectar of local wildflowers can relieve you of seasonal allergies as well. Local honey is often eaten by allergy sufferers — with the belief that it boosts the immune system and acts much like an immunization by building up your body’s antibodies to allergens and pollen.